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Voice impairments may be a result of a variety of issues: muscle tension, insufficient breath support when speaking, reflux, and/or stress placed on vocal cords such as yelling or speaking for long periods during the day.

Voice treatment is twofold. First, we determine what is causing the strain on your voice and we educate you on how to prevent additional damage. Next, treatment is individualized to meet your needs whether it is voice relaxation exercises, training in breathing more effectively when speaking, providing manual release to tense muscles used in speaking, educating you on how to prevent the irritation of reflux, and/or vocal cord strengthening. 

Parkinson’s Disease

90% of individuals with Parkinson’s will experience speech and voice problems. The Speech-Language Pathologists at Salinas Valley Speech Pathology are trained in “SPEAK OUT!,” the highly effective speech improvement method developed by Parkinsons Voice Project. After “graduating” from the program you will have the opportunity to maintain your skills in our free weekly group refresher classes.


Four out of five individuals with Parkinson’s will experience a swallow impairment. Having your swallowing evaluated early in your diagnosis is important since many individuals with Parkinson’s are unaware they have the signs of a swallow impairment. Everything may feel normal, but a swallow evaluation may reveal there is actually a problem. Early intervention is the key in reducing your swallow problems in the future and reducing your risk of getting pneumonia. If treatment is needed you are in excellent hands at Salinas Valley Speech Pathology! We are trained in Traditional Swallow Rehabilitation as well as the McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program. MDTP is a systematic research-based approach to Dysphagia Treatment. Bio-Feedback Technology is also incorporated into treatment to increase the effectiveness of swallow exercises 

Head Neck Cancer

You don’t have to go through as difficult of a voyage during and after your Head and Neck Cancer treatment alone. We at Salinas Valley Speech Pathology can reduce many of your difficulties so that you can achieve your best outcome. This includes swallowing, pain, and swelling issues. We provide advanced treatments, including Manual Release (aka myofascial release), advanced swallowing rehabilitation, and Lymphatic Drainage.


We can help you reduce your dependence on a feeding tube. Radiation is necessary for many with Head and Neck Cancer, however, it is important to reduce your risk of Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome (RFS). RFS causes the muscles affected by radiation to become stiff and dense and can cause swallowing impairments more than 5 years later. The latest research indicates that Manual Release may reduce the your risk of developing RFS. 

Head neck cancer


Strokes can be devastating and it's not surprising that many complications arise. Stroke survivors often experience difficulties with memory, reasoning and attention span as well as speaking and comprehending what others are saying.


At Salinas Valley Speech Pathology we individualize your treatment to meet your cognitive and communication needs with treatments, such as P.R.O.M.P.T., Melodic Intonation Therapy, Circumlocution Training, Semantic Feature Analysis, VNEST, and the list goes on.


Together, we will develop your ability to understand and construct language and rediscover your abilities to interpret those around you and articulate your own thoughts, feelings & desires with clarity and intention. 


Does your accent affect how others comprehend you? Are you skilled and talented however have you missed out on promotions you were qualified for because of the challenge of other comprehending your speech? I provide individualized, systematic classes and along with your completion of daily exercises you will see fast results.


A Speech-Language Pathologist will complete a Clinical Swallow Evaluation to determine if a swallow impairment is present. Individuals may also be recommended to complete a Modified Barium Swallow Study if further information is required to guide treatment.


Individuals will be trained in strategies to swallow more safely and efficiently and will have the opportunity to choose between traditional swallow rehabilitation exercises or the McNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program if swallow rehabilitation is needed. Bio-feedback technology is available to increase the effectiveness of exercises. 



Dementia is a very difficult diagnosis to get for individuals and their families, but you are not alone. First, your Speech-Language Pathologist will evaluate your cognitive and language needs and educate you and your family as to the stage of dementia you’re in.


In the earlier stages, treatment focuses on maintaining as much of your abilities and independence, such as training in the use of devices to help you remember and intense brain exercises. In later stages, treatment focuses on families and caregivers.  Your Speech-Language Pathologist will educate them in what to expect as your dementia progresses so they may be ready to meet your future needs. Your pathologist will also train them in methods of effective communicating as language becomes more difficult to comprehend and will train them in methods to maximize your food and liquid intake. 

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535 E Romie Lane, Ste 1, Salinas CA, 93901

Tel: (831) 998-7554

Fax: (831) 273-1796


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